Sunday, December 19, 2010
4者 忏悔业障
I shouldn't do this..
I want to revise my badness..
啊弥陀佛 ~~
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
principles 道理
You have to "give up" something in order to "get" something else because you can't obtain two things in the same time.
If you get something, that is your reward. You should appreciate it. But, if you cant get the things you want, you still happy. This reason is you never lose anything before and you never obtain the things before.
Nobody heart is grow in the middle of your body. Thus, you no need too mind if someone bias.
I understand and happy now ~ Thus, dont worry (*^_^*)
我明白了,所以我快乐了。不用担心 (*^_^*)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Parfait time ~~ in kyoto shijo
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
#3: This bamboo garden is so beautiful. I like the peaceful environment here. And, I kept thinking of this is sugar cane... ?? =.=''' haha ... I just mean that this was looked like sugar cane. Anyway, this is still bamboo... ~~ haha ... Don't mistaken as sugar cane.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Kyoto Station
#2: This is the ceiling* of Kyoto station.
* I not sure does it call ceilling ?? haha ..
#3: I was going to the top of the Kyoto Station.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Yogurtland in Osaka - Nanba Park
#2: This yogurt shop has the similar concept just like Subway. You can scoop whatever flavour that you like into the paper cup. Then, proceed to topping area. In this topping area, you can add whatever you like which including fruit, nada de coco, candy, walnut and etc. The last step is pay money at the cashier. The price is count by total weight of the paper cup, yogurt and topping.
Osaka one day trip in Osaka Castle
Those are the pictures that taken by me :
#4: This is the human make lake. This photo was taken from the bridge that link from the Japanese garden to Osaka castle.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Japan, here I come
Then, I am here to attached some of the photo of my room as below:
#1: my room door - left side is shoe rack, right side is kitchen
V1: this is a video where from my room's window look out view.
With a Shinkansen (bullet train) ~~
Once I settle down, of course walked around the city and shopping mood was ON. (My brother will sweat a lot at home and thinking please save my wallet). Haha. Of course I will remember this. Those are my shopping items here:
#5: actually I never thinking of buy this items. You know, my sandal broke in Changi Airport. This was so difficult to get a sandal because all the brand are Soooooo expensive such as Burberry, LV, Gucci and Coach. Haihsss. But at the end, I found out that Chales and Keith was there. Anyway, I dont care already. Then, I chose the cheapest one and bought my first Chales and Keith sandal from Singapore Changi Airport.
#6: The second items that I bought was shoe from Zara. Hmm, actually I was thinking to buy boat. Because of my sandal make my feet very pain once I walking for few hours, then I decided to bought this shoe to change immediate.
#7: my kitchen has all type of kitchen tools but without cup and bowl. =.=''' I tried to search for it in the market. Anyway, I cant find a normal glass type cup and bowl. At the end, I bought both of these item that made from ceramic which look very Japanese style.
OK la.. I think today I stop here today. To be continue soon !! cheersss ~~
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
什么是姓名 / 名理学?
- 暗示有达意的解释 - 但容易使人陷于消极的境地
- 希望人们认真思索 - 更倍加奋发精神的指南
- 命运影响 - 发奋努力,祖先余阴,人事背景,容貌美恶,姓名
- 姓名是由 [ 数 - 由一至十而构成名字的文字,即文=数] 与 [ 音 - 文以音表达,表现其文字的灵力 ] 组成。
- 所谓“天数”,“大数”,“数之所定”,“天数难逃”证明数=命运
- 这命运可暗示 - 健康,类化气质,性格,成功/失败,寿命长短。。。etc
- 一样的数,但命运也因人而异。这是因为 [ 八字 - 人之身体] 与 [ 姓名 - 人之精神] 的互相配合。
- 姓名的重要,因精神旺则身厚,精神薄则身弱,精神长存则身生,精神枯竭则身死。
- 命运的基础 = [ 八字:先天] + [ 姓名:后天]
- 五格的吉凶
- 字画数的数理
- 字义与字形
- 姓名的音韵
- 五行的配合与三才配置
- 阴阳的配合
- 先天八字的对照
五格分为天,人,地,外,总。。。简介图请查阅图片1。- 天格:复姓笔画总数,单姓笔画 + 1 之数 ,是由祖先留传
- 人格:由复姓的后姓/单姓 + 名中 = 中心命运
- 地格:名中 + 名后 = 全名= [ 前运:即36岁以前]
- 外格:总格 - 人格 = [副运:家族缘厚薄/对社会的关系]
- 总格:姓 + 名 = 主中年至晚年
图片1:五格 - 单姓与名二字(ex:林美美,黄严基)
三才是天,人,地。五行是取自文字的音韵。五行相生,相克已列在图案2。- 金:齿音
- 木:牙音
- 水:唇音
- 火:舌音
- 土:喉音
利用五行可弥补 [四柱八字 - 先天命运] 的缺陷。